So you want to direct a show with Riverside Players? Start here…
The following points outline the stages through which an initial idea for a proposal matures into a confirmed production. It is intended to help directors understand the process that each proposal goes through and clarifies the timeline of idea through proposal to production and the documentation that accompanies each stage. In this way all proposals are transparent and managed.
Initial Submission
The Committee will identify the production slot. This is usually January, May and October, but may vary at other times to include ad hoc shows. Dates may be suggested but these may be negotiable depending upon the wish of the Director and the availability of the venue.
The committee will then submit a request for submissions. The membership will receive requests usually via the Newsletter and followed up with email reminders that production slots are available. Previous Directors may be invited to submit proposals for slots by the Drama Representative. Information required at this stage would comprise:
- Name of Director
- Name of Show
- Genre
- M/F Cast Numbers
- Preferred Dates
A receipt of initial submission will be made. These are formally acknowledged by the Drama Representative. At this stage no decisions are taken.
Committee evaluation: This takes place at the next available committee meeting; the outcome (rejection or request for full proposal) is relayed to the potential director by the Drama Representative.
Full Proposal
Requests for full proposal: The Drama Representative will request more details from the potential directors. At this stage the Roles and Responsibilities document should be given to potential directors in order to help them assemble a production team. The full proposal then would comprise at least:
- An outline of the production including plot synopsis and artistic vision
- A list of characters with playing ages
- A production team list
- A draft budget
- Any technical challenges
Notification of deadline for full proposals: The group will be informed by Newsletter and email reminders of the final date for submitting proposals.
Receipt of full proposals: The Drama Representative will formally acknowledge receipt of full proposals. At this stage no decision is made.
Review full proposals: If there are competing proposals for a slot this stage may include presentations by the potential directors to the Committee.
Decide winning production: The Committee will vote and agree on the preferred proposal.
Confirmed Production
Notification of decisions: The Drama Representative will inform the applicants of the Committee decisions. The successful Director now has a Confirmed Production.
Production Commencement Meeting: Formal handover to Director/Producer. The Roles and Responsibilities sheets are distributed to the production team.