After a magnificent year which saw the Youth Group put on fantastic shows such as ‘The Butler Did It’ and ‘Murder at Haynes Manor’ along with learning stage combat and a host of other activities under the tutelage of Naomi and Amy. It is now time to award our most promising superstars!
The night started with some (of my) favourites such as games and party food before getting ‘down to business’ with the presentation of awards. A hush of anticipation gripped the hall… who am I kidding! The hall managed to quieten down so that Naomi could present each member with their certificate of excellence for outstanding contributions throughout the year and move on to the prestigious ceremony of coveted awards…
Our congratulations go to *drumroll if you please*:
Most Improved – Chloe!
Most Commitment Shown – Harry!
Best Newcomer – Nell!
Best Comedy Moment – Finn!
Youth Riversider of the Year – Charlotte!
A fabulous year – don’t miss out on seeing these amazing members perform their next extravaganza, House of Dracula this coming November…