Blackadder II


I have a cunning plan…

Exciting news is a foot as Blackadder, Percy and Baldrick make plans to journey to the quaint village of Eynsford. Presenting in October 2019 along with Queenie, Nursie and the rest of the gang, they are regaling three episodes from the hit show Blackadder II for us all.

Auditions are on Sunday 23rd June at 2pm 

Codpieces at the ready!!

Audition Pieces

Character Description Details Audition Piece
Edmund Blackadder A nobleman and courtier to Queen Elizabeth 1 and the great grandson of Prince Edmund. A cowardly individual who veils it well behind a mask of pretend bravery, sarcasm and many a cunning plan. Male
Blackadder, Percy, Baldrick

Queenie, Melchett, Blackadder

Baldrick Servant and bondsman to Blackadder and has been in Lord Edmund’s service longer than either of them care to remember. While his master treats him with utter contempt, he remains intensely loyal, showing a strong desire to please him. Male
Blackadder, Percy, Baldrick
Lord Percy Percy The Heir to the Duchy of Northumberland, he is Blackadder’s friend who ‘makes him look better in court’. He is the quintessential upper class twit with an appalling history with the ladies – try as he might! Male
Blackadder, Percy, Baldrick
Queen Elizabeth 1 Queenie’s immature behaviour is expressed in her desire to “get squiffy and seduce nobles” (and force presents off them on pain of death). A naughty schoolgirl at heart, Queenie loves to party, play games and get drunk. If anyone fails to laugh at her jokes, they risk execution, but, to her followers’ bemusement and frustration, she sometimes tires of their toadying and welcomes a more cynical approach – which is why she prefers Edmund Blackadder to Lord Melchett. Male
Queenie, Melchett, Blackadder

Queenie and Nursie

Lord Melchett Affectionately known to the Queen as “Melchy”, the earnest Lord Melchett has set himself up as her closest personal advisor and is always close to her. He guards his position jealously and is always doing his best to please the Queen. Melchett attends the Annual Communion Wine-Tasting and is also able to officiate at marriage ceremonies, two facts which suggest that he has a career in the church alongside his duties to the Queen. Male
Queenie, Melchett, Blackadder
Nursie Once Queenie’s childhood nurse, by the time of her appearances in Blackadder II, Nursie is either senile or otherwise irreversibly stupid, but remains at court at the side of the Queen for unknown reasons, as the Queen repeatedly treats Nursie with contempt. Female
Queenie and Nursie
Prince Ludwig A german master of disguise who kidnaps Blackadder and Melchett in an attempt to infiltrate Richmond Palace Male
20+ Age really not a factor
Queenie, Melchett, Blackadder
Lady Farrow The wife of the unfortunate Lord Farrow – imprisoned for treason and due to have his head ‘snicked’ off. A dramatic and earnest woman who cries a lot and loudly. Female
Lady Farrow
Mr Ploppy and Mrs Ploppy The guards of the prison where people are held before meeting an untimely demise. You’d think that Mr and Mrs Ploppy were married but it’s pure coincidence! We did laugh when we first found out. Mixed
Mr and Mrs Ploppy
Torturer The master torturer of the spanish inquisition. He’s also pretty good at charades Any
Prison Guards The clockwork guards of the prison where Melchett and Blackadder are held. They take their job seriously and make sure they are meticulous in its delivery! Any
Prison Guards
Simon Partridge, Geoffrey Piddle and Freddie Frobisher Blackadder’s drinking chums who know how to have a ‘great booze up’! Male
Beer Friends
Lord and Lady Whiteadder Blackadder’s puritan aunt and uncle mixed Whiteadders